Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tuesday March 23, 2010

Today was very busy. Anaya and I saw Micheal Smith (Dr, Traditional Chinese Medicine) and Laurie Knox (CranialSacral Therapist and TCM). In between appointments we got to see two friends at OSO Negro for a tea. My new friend Jenny has a beautiful son with hydrocephalus who was born a month before Anaya. They have had their time in the Alberta Childrens Hospital too. They have been through scary moments. It's nice to talk to another mom who is going through a shared experience of having a baby with health issues that is almost the same age.

It is hard to tell how today's therapy has effected Anaya because she's been sleeping and resting alot. I suppose that is better than cranky and crying :) I tried breastfeeding her again but she was too tired and choked on it. She can try again tomorrow when she is well rested.

We got an automated feeding pump for her in the mail yesterday. It is a very small unit that can fit in my purse. It has a rate and dose control and a timer so that we can ensure she's getting the right amount of breast milk without us having to fill up a bunch of syringes. I can also set it to feed her a wee bit at a time when she's sleeping at night. She should really pack on the pounds now!

I'm exhausted tonight and I would like to fill you in with more details as to the events of the last few days - but it will have to wait for tomorrow.


  1. Hi Anaya and family,
    I just your blog and just want to send you all my love.
    - Alison

  2. Excellent! I would highly recommend either of these people... both have helped me out of situations that a plethora of specialists and doctors couldn't figure out. Michael is a genius. LISTEN to him, sometimes it sounds odd, but he knows his stuff!


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