Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Anaya's Spirit Visits Heather

"I needed to let you know this. 

Today after I read camara's blog I was loading my kids up to go to the store for groceries. The wind and leaves were blowing, and all I was thinking about was Anaya. My heart ached for her and her mom. 

Suddenly the wind rushed up into a big gust, hundreds and hundreds of leaves swooped together and danced around into this huge funnel. Both my kids stopped and my baby said 'ooooh' and pointed. From the shadows the sun shone through onto my cold cheek. All I felt was Anaya.

 I touched my daughter Molly's head and something, I swear it felt like Anaya comforting me it was so  told me that my daughter was going to be strong and courageous in her life. I touched my son ricky's head (who has autism),  and I felt overwhelmingly 'he will be ok, he will be happy' and I cant explain this and I am not religious but I know it was anaya. I felt her everywhere. She was the wind. She was the sun. Whe was the leaves. I wish I knew how to explain the feeling because in 30 seconds the clouds covered the street again, the leaves stopped, the wind died down. It went back to normal. 

I have been rattled all day trying to explain it to my husband....trying to understand it myself. I have had so many fears about my kids being hurt and anxieties over life/people I love leaving in the last 6 months. the comfort that that wind brought was incredible. It felt like Anaya was right beside me, like an adult voice almost consoling me, telling me that my family was going to be fine. I felt total peace. I dont want to bother camara right now but I hope one day she will know that her daughter Anaya, came to me on the wind. I dont think I will be able to see leaves blow again and not think of her."

Heather From Calgary


  1. <3 every since her passing to a better place , I feel so different and calm and THANKFUL for my lil ladybug. That is a great moment you had, she just wanted to let you know not to worry.

  2. Comfort like manna, the wine of the Beloved, falling from the sky.

  3. Anya is so strong i've been thinking of her since i first heard her story 2-3 weeks ago. She is so beautiful and strong i have shed so much tears because her is so sad but i pray we can use her death to save other lives in this and peace from Iceland

  4. I swear her spirit is everywhere. Honestly, she IS AN ANGEL!!!! I'm not religious either but i'm totally convinced of this story and of her spirit living among those that she completely and utterly touched...She our messenger!

  5. My husband and I have been profoundly affected by Anaya. That beautiful little girl was and is pure light and pure love. Thinking of her this morning a Bob Dylan song came on the radio 'A Hard Rain's A-gonna Fall'. Amidst all of the bad things that we perceive to happen in the world, he said a little girl gave him a rainbow. Anaya gave us a rainbow. She is the light that pulls us from darkness. She has shown us the true meaning of life and love - the only things that matter. She is no longer here in form, but her immortal soul, her essence, radiates around us, in the space between spaces. In the place where there is no time. She is at peace. I will always think of her.

  6. Beautiful! I have felt Anaya many times, and each time rainbows appear, either in the sky, a picture or a song! I love your story! So sweet!


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