Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Long day

2 am phonecall.
3 am pack and go
3-7am through the mountains
7 am ambulance takes Brent and Anaya.
7:30 i arrive at hospital
7:45 I lie in stretcher with baby
9 am chest xray bloodwork
9:30 - 1 sleep.
1-3 TB test meet doc, pack up go home
3 call nurse Anna to help
3:30 Anaya and mama in bed at home
4:00. Nurse Anna hangs out
4-9 mama and baby sleep
9- Anna brings pizza! Yeah

10-back to sleep

-Another day in paradise, another moment with my little love. Forever embedded in my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness you look exhausted...but still beautiful. I cannot believe how much you and Solara look alike in the top photo.
    All my love and healing thoughts to precious Anaya.


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