Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday September 5, 2010

This picture of Solara and Anaya was taken a week ago, the day of Catherine and Charlies wedding reception. Anaya looked so sweet in the outfit - and her adoring sister was sweet too!

We had a small birthday dinner for Anaya last week. A few close friends came over and we even had a cake. I put a little bit in Anaya's mouth do that she could taste it. She seemed to enjoy it. I also put a sucker in her mouth for a few moments and she liked that too. Her birthday WAS a big deal. I just haven't been inspired to write about it. It was a deeply personal experience for me. I am very happy my little girl has been doing so well and is still here with us. She beings more joy than sadness to my life. I think sometimes I write too many sad blog posts and not enough happy ones. I guess it's because when I get down I feel like writing to get the feelings out. This week I will strive to share more of the fantastic moments with you.

Today is a stay at home Sunday. This morning Anaya has been hanging out with Brent while Solara and I puttered in the kitchen making blackberry peach jam. Our neighbours (Raeanne and Lloyd) let us pick some of their blackberries. Solara, Anaya and I walked over there yesterday. Let me tell you what blackberry picking sounds like. OUCH!!! I got pricked a few times. Before we went picking we canned diced tomatoes. I had initially given up on the idea but Solara was persistant because she loves dicing tomatoes.

This week Anaya has been more phlemmy than previously. The start of August was so great for her. I'm not certain exactly what has changed for her but I think it could be teething. She now has two teeth on the bottom and two coming in up top. Poor little darling. Sometimes,even in her sleep, she mews in pain. I've been giving her ibuprophen and rubbing her gums. Little dear can't even chew on anything to relieve the pain. The painkillers seem to help. She's out cold right now - we gave her some medicine a little while ago.

Now it's time to pump again. I can't believe I've been pumping now for 8 months. I miss the feeling of nursing a baby. I miss her looking up at me with her big eyes. I should have taken more pictures of her when she was first born.

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