Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Feb 26, 2010

Anaya has been sleeping better at night since she started taking her nabilone. I was amazed the last two nights when she only woke up once to eat. She has been waking up well, wide eyed and watchful. These are some of my favorite moments. I really need a professional photographer to capture some shots of Anaya.

Today Anaya saw Nelson Peadiatrician Carrie Fitzimmons. Nothing new to report except that Anaya weighs 5.9 Kg. She was 6.3 Kg on Feb 1. She's lost weight. We need to try to get more calories into her. I went looking for a product called polycose but the pharmacies I went to didn't have it. I put a drop of maple syrup in her bottle to add a few calories. The DHA oil also has lots of calories in it. I seem to remember from Biology class that fats have the highest energy rating per molecule.

Anaya had a bit of a harder day today. It's always harder when I have to travel around with her. She is very sensitive and gets irritable very easily. Thank God Penny was there to help me today. It is impossible for me to drive. I have to sit in the back with the baby to ensure she doesn't choke on her saliva during a screaming fit. It's awful and scary when it happens.

Brent, Solara and I have tested out the zapper and are happy with the results. We have begun giving Anaya short sessions. The current is so low you can barely feel a tingle on your skin. Die parasites Die! (And all your little friends too!)

The Procter Hall fundraising event is going to be an evening of live music, food and good times! Party! This is not a grim event. It is to be a gathering of people celebrating life and raising money for Anaya's needs. It will be on March 27th. Anyone who wants to help out please send me a message. maraglow at

Thank you to our anonymous angels. We are using your gift. A huge thank you to Rami, Deb, Dana, Dennis and others I don't know who brought firewood.
My heart overflows with gratitude.

Thank you also to everyone who takes the time to write a comment or a note to let us know you are sending love to Anaya. She's getting all of it - I promise.

1 comment:

  1. All my heart and love to Anaya and her beautiful family.
    Thinking of you and praying for you baby girl.

    - Kaylee and Paul Barclay


Please feel free to comment and send your LOVE!
