Dear Readers,
I can't begin to tell you how exciting this period of time has been for our family. So many things that are really, really
good are going on!
First of all Anaya has been happy and healthy this week and that makes everyone around here smile :)
Second of all we have received enough milk donations to keep Anaya fed for months :) There have been so many beautiful women across Canada who have offered their liquid gold to help keep Anaya alive and well. We are so incredibly grateful to them. Special thanks to the women of Nova Scotia who sent an entire deepfreeze full of milk. (There must be something wonderful in the Nova Scotian water!)
Third of all I made some incredible new friends. The paper article wrote about "A Stranger in Texas" Her actual name is Katie Shutt and she lives in Dallas Texas. Katie Shutt has been working almost full time volunteering to help make Anaya's life better. She's been calling around trying to find a motorized wheelchair for her, helping to rally breastmilk donations, and now managing some of our communications efforts. She's the founder of The HumanKindness Initiative, of which The Anaya Initiative is a part. My other new friend, Katie Edwards, is the reason why Anaya has been on the news and in the paper. She has been contacting media and others to help raise awareness about Anaya's life and needs. She has been instrumental in helping get breastmilk for the baby.
I love Katies. Katies are golden people. Just so you know.
Fourth - people have been sending books for the Library of hope and it's been incredible watching the books grow!
Fifth - I've been contacted by several organizations to look into getting Anaya a special wheelchair.
Sixth - I've been asked to create a website for a company :) (FROM HOME!)
Seventh - A photographer came here today and took pictures of Anaya and our family from "Helping Hearts" and organization that does photo shoots for sick children.
Eighth - Bodhi Day Spa donated a massage to Anaya and she LOVED IT!
You probably don't want me to keep counting my blessings out loud but there's so many! I think I'll save some for another post!